PHRMA Supports Certification Prep: Offer Extended!
PHRMA offers 2 virtual SHRM Certification Study Groups each year with 2 optional in-person visits for each session. With roughly 25 participants in each study group, PHRMA extends group discounts for the SHRM Learning Systems and the volume discount for the SHRM exams to Orgeon chapters.
The study group continues to have a pass rate of over 95%!
PHRMA again extends the offer for Oregon Chapters in support of their Certification Study Groups, but the window of opportunity is closing. Stated PHRMA Executive Director Nikki Schutte, SHRM-CP, "We are so excited to be able to offer this program to other Oregon Chapters and to help them increase non-dues revenue AND control costs for members in the process. It is a win-win-win!
PHRMA is offering this program through January 30th, asking Oregon chapters to request a promo code this week. #PHRMA #NHRMA #SHRM