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NHRMA Undergraduate Student Award (Honoring Robert Denomy)


    This award recognizes up to two undergraduate students who have performed outstanding service to the HR profession through their involvement with either their local student chapter or their professional chapter, in the best tradition of Bob Denomy.  Bob Denomy is remembered for his many years of service as a PNPMA/NHRMA Association Director, providing significant support to the growth and development of student HR programs in the Pacific Northwest.  The intent of the award is to recognize student performance as it adheres to the stated goals of the Association.

    • All students who are dues-paying members of a SHRM student or professional chapter in the NHRMA Region and attended a degree-seeking program at any time during the most recent academic year and enrolled in at least six credits per term at their academic institution.

    No student may win the award more than one time. 


    Recipients will receive the following:

    • A $500 Scholarship
    • The choice between two years of SHRM Student to Professional Membership or one year of SHRM Professional Membership
    • A certificate commemorating the award
    • Picture and summary of student achievement on the NHRMA website as well as other social media
    • Recognition at the NHRMA Conference for recipient and Advisor

     The award does not include funding for the cost of attendance at the conference for the award recipient or their advisor.

    • Service in local student or professional SHRM chapter
    • Leadership experience (may include student chapter leadership, interaction between the student and professional SHRM chapters, involvement in additional student or professional development groups, such as Toastmasters, etc.)
    • Dedicated service to the local community (for example: volunteer work)
    • Experience related to student HR projects, internships held, or work experience (if any)

    Any SHRM member or Chapter Advisor may nominate a student for the award.  Self-nominations will also be accepted. Once the nominator submits the nomination, they will be provided with a link to forward to the nominee in order for the student to submit their Statement of Service and Professional Goals, which may include experience, service to student and/or professional chapters, community and volunteer service (if applicable), work experience or internships (if applicable), and professional goals, etc.


    The nomination form should include:

    • Nominator’s statement indicating evidence of the nominee’s satisfaction with the award criteria and why they are being submitted.
    • Upon submission of the nomination, the student will be required to submit a statement (500-600 words) discussing their criteria.
    • Note: At the discretion of the selection committee, finalists may be interviewed (either via a written request or telephone) if additional information is desired.

    Submit electronic nominations via the nomination form link at the top of this page by June 30th. Allow time for nominees to submit their statement of service and professional goals. The link for submission is visible once the nomination is submitted.


    Once an application is received, written notification will be sent to the nominating party and to the nominee. 


    Once an application is received, written notification will be sent to the nominating party and to the nominee.  An appointed selection committee will review the applications and make a recommendation to the NHRMA Board, which will make the final decision on recipients.  Following this decision, the nominating party and nominee will be notified by phone and email.



    HR Excellence Awards

      Northwest Human Resource Management Association (NHRMA) is proud to provide professional recognition to area SHRM members, including students, for their outstanding performance and achievements in the HR profession, community, or Association.


      NHRMA annual awards are open for submission. Nominations close for all award categories on June 30th.  Please review the nomination process and make sure you have all the required documents saved in MS Word format for uploading. 

      The Evaluation Committee will meet to evaluate the nominations and will submit recommendations to the NHRMA board. Award winners will be notified by the end of August.  The presentations will be made at the Annual NHRMA conference.

      Below are links to the information for each award category. 

      Thank you for considering a nomination.  If you have any questions, please contact the NHRMA Awards & Recognition Director  - email

      ** All nominations must be submitted by June 30th **



      (555) 555-5555
      (555) 555-5555 (This is the phone number of the person who nominated the student.)
      (This is the email of the person who nominated the student.)
      (All applicants must have a SHRM member or Advisor complete this section. This section will serve as meeting the criteria for the student’s first letter of recommendation.) Please type your nomination and/or reference statement below (up to 500 words). The statement should include how the student meets the award criteria listed above. It is recommended you type your letter in a separate word document, then copy and paste into this section. No other materials will be accepted for the Advisor/SHRM Member nomination section.
      This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.