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2020 Travel Stipend Application

    Through generous sponsorships by the Northwest Human Resource Management Association (NHRMA) and the State Councils for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, travel stipends are being made available to student chapters that plan to attend the HR Leaders of Tomorrow conference in Juneau on April 17-18, 2020. To apply for a Student Chapter Travel Stipend, please carefully follow the directions below:

    1. This form should be completed only by a designated SHRM Student Chapter Advisor.
    2. Only one (1) form should be submitted per institution.
    3. To complete the form, you will just need the number of students committed to attending plus actual estimates of costs for airfare, ground transportation, and hotel (all other expenses and fees including meals and registration are not to be included in the calculation). 
    4. The deadline to submit is Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 11:59pm AKT.
    5. Chapters will be notified by Tuesday, March 3, 2020 of any travel stipend awards.
    6. Historically, student chapters have contributed approximately 50% toward their travel costs through fundraising, department support, grants, etc.
    7. This form must be completed in its entirety by the deadline to ensure consideration for travel expense assistance. 

    NOTE: Award notifications will identify a dollar amount contingent upon the number of students attending. The actual amount paid will be adjusted to reflect your chapter's average cost per student X the number of students that attend from your chapter. Checks will be distributed at the end of the conference by NHRMA.

    If you have questions about the process, please contact Dr. Charla Brown. We look forward to seeing you and your students in Juneau!


    This number should be the total cost of airfare (amount of each airline ticket mulitplied by the number of students attending the conference).
    This number should be the total cost of the hotel ($99/night per room plus 12% tax multiplied by the number of hotel rooms needed multiplied by the number of overnights).
    This should be the total of your student airfare, hotel and transportation costs only. Do not include registration fees or incidentals like travel meals and baggage fees in the total. Advisor travel costs are captured below.
    This line item should include the costs for airfare and hotel plus tax only. Do not include incidentals like meals, baggage fees, etc.
    This amount should be at least 50% of the estimated total expenses reported above.
    Please list your sources of funding (i.e. department, fundraising, etc)
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